The work was developed for 'the anthropocene project' of Haus der Kulturen der Welt, Berlin. Ariha on the move ...
is a multimedia storytelling project, using text, video, photos, maps and several other media. It is is a form of thought experiment and tells the fictional story of a community deciding to DIY relocate their entire town as a reaction to climate zone shift. Centered on the theme of planning for a future of a changing climate, the project is an interactive o ering comprised of maps, live camera feed, videos, and more. Although the community is set in the future, the interactive platform enables users to transfer the utopia into the present and contribute to the idea development of future scenarios online. The key question at the center of the project is how mankind can address its own role as a geological factor. Information on real persons, projects, approaches and stories of the anthropocene are woven into the story in order to make the platform rather a starting point of a contemporary rhizomatic real story of the anthropocene rather than an utopical fiction.
web based storytelling project, 2014